Emergency Vet Medicine in Lakeland, FL

If you’re worried about your pet and suspect they might be having an emergency, you can call our clinic at (863) 688-3338 for assistance and we’ll do all we can to help you.
While we can provided limited emergency vet services during our regular business hours, we recommend taking your pet to Parkway Veterinary Emergency Clinic here in Lakeland, where they have emergency veterinary staff available after-hours to provide highly advanced care:
Parkway Veterinary Emergency Clinic
3609 US Hwy 98 S, Lakeland, FL, 33803
(863) 665-3199
How Do I Know if My Pet Needs an Emergency Vet?
It’s always better to be safe and contact your veterinarian or an emergency vet to see what they have to say about your pet’s condition. For additional reference, see our list of common emergency symptoms/scenarios below:
- Difficulty breathing or not breathing at all
- Collapse
- Seizures
- Bleeding from ears, nose, or mouth
- Hemorrhaging from a wound
- Can’t walk or stand
- Was hit by a car, or fell from a high place
- Was attacked by a wild animal or other dog or cat
- Ingested a toxin or ate a poisonous plant
- Possibly has broken bones and/or internal injuries
- Excessive vomiting and/or diarrhea
- Difficulty eliminating